see also: my Google Scholar page, my ORCID page
- Timo Baumann, Korbinian Eller and Natalia Gagarina (2024).
"BERT-based Annotation of Oral Texts Elicited via Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives".
in: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Narrative Understanding (WNU). Miami, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Vinzent Penzkofer and Timo Baumann (2024).
"Evaluating and Fine-Tuning Retrieval-Augmented Language Models to Generate Text with Accurate Citations".
in: Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2024). Vienna, Austria. (Pedro Henrique Luz de Araujo, Andreas Baumann, Dagmar Gromann, Brigitte Krenn, Benjamin Roth and Michael Wiegand, Eds.) Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 57-64.
URL, pdf, bibtex - Christian Schuler, Shravan Nayak, Debjoy Saha and Timo Baumann (2024).
"Can We See Your Response Before You Speak? Exploring Linguistic Information Found in Inter-Utterance Pauses".
in: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2024, Tagungsband der 35. Konferenz, Regensburg, 6.-8. M{\"a}rz 2024. (Timo Baumann, Ed.) Pages 165 - 172.
DOI, bibtex - Timo Baumann (Ed.) (2024).
"Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2024".
Dresden, TUDpress.
bibtex - Timo Baumann and Ingo Siegert (Eds.) (2024).
"Sprachassistenten: Anwendungen, Implikationen, Entwicklungen".
Regensburg, Germany, Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE. 2. ITG-Workshop.
URN, DOI, bibtex
- Timo Baumann and Christian Schuler (2023).
"Lip-Synched: Natural language processing with neural networks".
LINUX Magazine, 22(2):44-48. . issue 267.
URL, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Hussein Hussein and Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek (2023).
"Free Verse Prosodies: Identifying and Classifying Spoken Poetry Using Literary and Computational Perspectives (Rhythmicalizer)".
in: Mixing Methods: Practical Insights from the Humanities in the Digital Age (Birgit Schneider, Beate L\"offler, Tino Mager and Carola Hein, Eds.). transcript Verlag.
DOI, bibtex
- Debjoy Saha, Shravan Nayak and Timo Baumann (2022).
"Merkel Podcast Corpus: A Multimodal Dataset Compiled from 16 Years of Angela Merkel's Weekly Video Podcasts".
in: Proceedings of LREC. Marseille, France.
DOI, bibtex - Anna Windb\"uhler, S\"ukr\"u Okkesim, Olaf Christ, Soheil Mottaghi, Shavika Rastogi, Michael Schmuker, Timo Baumann and Ulrich G. Hofmann (2022).
"Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Anatomical Regions in Rodent Brain from High Density Recordings".
in: Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2022). Glasgow, UK.
URN, bibtex - Shravan Nayak, Christian Schuler, Debjoy Saha and Timo Baumann (2022).
"A Deep Dive Into Neural Synchrony Evaluation for Audio-Visual Translation".
in: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. New York, USA. Association for Computing Machinery, 642–647.
DOI, bibtex - Melzer, Matthias, Dünnweber, Jan and Baumann, Timo (2022).
"Towards Smart Home Data Interpretation Using Analogies to Natural Language Processing".
in: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT)., pages 65-71.
DOI, bibtex
- Benjamin Milde, Robert Geislinger, Irina Lindt and Timo Baumann (2021).
"Open Source Automatic Lecture Subtitling".
in: Proceedings of Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV). Berlin, Germany.
URN, URL, bibtex - Norbert Krüger, Fischer, Kerstin, Manoonpong, Poramate, Palinko, Oskar, Bodenhagen, Leon, Baumann, Timo, Kjærum, Jens, Rano, Ignacio, Naik, Lakshadeep, Juel, William Kristian, Haarslev, Frederik, Ignasov, Jevgeni, Marchetti, Emanuela, Langedijk, Rosalyn Melissa, Kollakidou, Avgi, Jeppesen, Kasper Camillus, Heidtmann, Conny and Dalgaard, Lars (2021).
"The SMOOTH-Robot: A Modular, Interactive Service Robot".
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8:294. .
DOI, URL, bibtex - Robert Geislinger, Benjamin Milde, Timo Baumann and Chris Biemann (2021).
"Live Subtitling for BigBlueButton with Open-Source Software".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech. Brno, Czechia, pages 3319-3320. Show & Tell Session.
URN, URL, video, bibtex - Kerstin Fischer, Lakshadeep Naik, Rosalyn M. Langedijk, Timo Baumann, Matou\vs Jel\'\inek and Oskar Palinko (2021).
"Initiating Human-Robot Interactions Using Incremental Speech Adaptation".
in: Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. New York, USA. Association for Computing Machinery, 421–425.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann and Ashutosh Saboo (2021).
"Evaluating Heuristics for Audio-Visual Translation".
in: Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Humanities Research 2021. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (Maud Ehrmann, Folgert Karsdorp, Melvin Wevers, Tara Lee Andrews, Manuel Burghardt, Mike Kestemont, Enrique Manjavacas, Michael Piotrowski and Joris van Zundert, Eds.) Pages 171-180.
URN, URL, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2021).
"Ranking and Comparing Speakers Based on Crowdsourced Pairwise Listener Ratings".
in: Voice Attractiveness: Studies on Sexy, Likable, and Charismatic Speakers. (Benjamin Weiss, Jürgen Trouvain, Melissa Barkat-Defradas and John J. Ohala, Ed.). Singapore, Springer Singapore, pages 263-279.
DOI, URL, pdf, bibtex
- Timo Baumann (2020).
"How a Listener Influences the Speaker".
in: Proceedings of Speech Prosody. Tokyo, Japan, pages 970-974.
DOI, bibtex - Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek and Timo Baumann (2020).
"Free Verse and Beyond: How to Classify Post-modern Spoken Poetry".
in: Proceedings of Speech Prosody. Tokyo, Japan, pages 690-694.
DOI, bibtex - Timo Baumann and Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek (2020).
"Deep Learning meets Post-modern Poetry".
in: Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries: TwinTalks Workshop. Riga, Latvia, pages 30-36.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek and Hussein Hussein (2020).
"How to Identify Speech When Translating Unpunctuated Poetry".
in: Proceedings of Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV). Magdeburg, Germany, pages 165-172.
URN, URL, pdf, bibtex - Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek, Timo Baumann and Hussein Hussein (2020).
"Requirements on the Punctuation Reconstruction for the Translation of Post-modern Poetry".
in: Proceedings of Digital Humanities Deutschland 2020 (DHd 2020). Paderborn, Germany.
DOI, bibtex - Shravan Nayak, Timo Baumann, Supratik Bhattacharya, Alina Karakanta, Matteo Negri and Marco Turchi (2020).
"See me speaking? Differentiating on whether words are spoken on screen or off to optimize machine dubbing".
in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Deep Video Understanding..
DOI, pdf, video, bibtex - Alina Karakanta, Supratik Bhattacharya, Shravan Nayak, Timo Baumann, Matteo Negri and Marco Turchi (2020).
"The Two Shades of Dubbing in Neural Machine Translation".
in: Proceedings of COLING 2020..
DOI, URL, bibtex - Dirk Johannßen, Chris Biemann, Steffen Remus, Timo Baumann and David Scheffer (2020).
"GermEval 2020 Task 1 on the Classification and Regression of Cognitive and Motivational style from Text".
in: Proceedings of the 5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference 2020. Zurich, Switzerland, pages 1-10.
pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann and Ingo Siegert (2020).
"Prosodic Addressee-Detection -- Ensuring Privacy in Always-On Spoken Dialog Systems".
in: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer. Magdeburg, Germany. ACM.
DOI, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2020).
"Ubiquity of Computing and SLIVAR".
in: Spoken Language Interaction with Virtual Agents and Robots (SLIVAR): Towards Effective and Ethical Interaction (Laurence Devillers, Tatsuya Kawahara, Roger K. Moore and Matthias Scheutz, Eds.), page 16. Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
URN, DOI, bibtex
- Timo Baumann, Arne Köhn and Felix Hennig (2019).
"The Spoken Wikipedia Corpus Collection: Harvesting, Alignment and an Application to Hyperlistening".
Language Resources and Evaluation, 53(2):303–329. . Special Issue representing significant contributions of LREC 2016.
URN, DOI, pdf (preprint), webpage, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek and Jasper Elbeshausen (2019).
"A Tool for Human-in-the-Loop Analysis and Exploration of (not only) Prosodic Classifications for Post-modern Poetry".
in: Proceedings of INF-DH. Kassel, Germany. Gesellschaft für Informatik, pages 151-156.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Ashutosh Saboo and Timo Baumann (2019).
"Integration of Dubbing Constraints into Machine Translation".
in: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (Volume 1: Research Papers). Florence, Italy. Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 94-101.
DOI, URL, bibtex - Meyer-Sickendiek, Burkhard, Hussein, Hussein and Baumann, Timo (2019).
"From Fluency To Disfluency: Ranking Prosodic Features Of Poetry By Using Neural Networks".
in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Humanities (DH 2019). Utrecht, Netherlands. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek and Timo Baumann (2019).
"Identification of Concrete Poetry within a Modern-Poetry Corpus using Neural Networks".
in: Proceedings of the Quantitative Approaches to Versification Conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
URL, pdf, bibtex - Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek and Timo Baumann (2019).
"How to identify elliptical poems within a digital corpus of auditory poetry".
in: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV). Dresden, Germany. (Peter Birkholz and Simon Stone, Eds.) TUDpress, Dresden, pages 247-254.
URN, URL, pdf, bibtex - Tsai, Vivian, Baumann, Timo, Pecune, Florian and Cassell, Justine (2019).
"Faster Responses Are Better Responses: Introducing Incrementality into Sociable Virtual Personal Assistants".
in: 9th International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue System Technology. Singapore. (D'Haro, Luis Fernando, Banchs, Rafael E. and Li, Haizhou, Eds.) Springer Singapore, pages 111-118.
DOI, bibtex
- Timo Baumann, Hussein Hussein and Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek (2018).
"Analysing the Focus of a Hierarchical Attention Network: The Importance of Enjambments When Classifying Post-modern Poetry".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech. Hyderabad, India, pages 2162-2166.
DOI, pdf, poster, bibtex - Arne Köhn, Timo Baumann and Oskar Dörfler (2018).
"An Empirical Analysis of the Correlation of Syntax and Prosody".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech. Hyderabad, India, pages 2157-2161.
DOI, pdf, poster, bibtex - Alexander Koller, Timo Baumann and Arne Köhn (2018).
"DialogOS: Simple and extensible dialog modeling".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech,. Hyderabad, India.
URN, pdf, poster, webpage, code, bibtex - Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek, Hussein Hussein and Timo Baumann (2018).
"Analysis and Classification of Prosodic Styles in Post-modern Spoken Poetry".
in: INF-DH 2018 Workshopband. Berlin, Germany. (Manuel Burghardt and Claudia Müller-Birn, Eds.).
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Hussein Hussein and Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek (2018).
"Analysis of Rhythmic Phrasing: Feature Engineering vs. Representation Learning for Classifying Readout Poetry".
in: Proceedings of the Joint LaTeCH&CLfL Workshop. Santa Fe, USA, pages 44-49.
URN, URL, pdf, slides, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Hussein Hussein and Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek (2018).
"Style Detection for Free Verse Poetry from Text and Speech".
in: Proceedings of COLING. Santa Fe, USA, pages 1929-1940.
URN, URL, pdf, poster, bibtex - Meyer-Sickendiek, Burkhard, Hussein, Hussein and Baumann, Timo (2018).
"First Steps Towards the Creation of a Poetry Translation Mapping System".
in: European Conference on Data Analysis. Paderborn, Germany. Session on Textual Data Analysis and Digital Humanities.
pdf, bibtex - Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek and Timo Baumann (2018).
"Tonality in Language: The "Generative Theory of Tonal Music" as a Framework for Prosodic Analysis of Poetry".
in: 6th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Language (TAL). Berlin, Germany, pages 178-182.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Hussein Hussein, Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek and Timo Baumann (2018).
"Automatic Detection of Enjambment in German Readout Poetry".
in: Proceedings of Speech Prosody. Poznán, Poland.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2018).
"Learning to Determine Who is the Better Speaker".
in: Proceedings of Speech Prosody. Poznán, Poland.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Vivian Tsai, Timo Baumann, Florian Pecune and Justine Cassell (2018).
"Faster Responses are Better Responses: Introducing Incrementality into Sociable Virtual Personal Assistants".
in: International Workshop on Spoken Dialog Systems 2018. Singapore.
pdf, bibtex - Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek, Hussein Hussein and Timo Baumann (2018).
"Recognizing Modern Sound Poetry with LSTM Networks".
in: Proceedings of Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV). Ulm, Germany. (André Berton, Udo Haiber and Wolfgang Minker, Eds.) TUDpress, pages 192-199.
URN, URL, pdf, bibtex - Meyer-Sickendiek, Burkhard, Hussein, Hussein and Baumann, Timo (2018).
"Towards the Creation of a Poetry Translation Mapping System".
Archives of Data Science, Series A (Online First), 5(1):1-15. .
DOI, bibtex
- Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek, Hussein Hussein and Timo Baumann (2017).
"Rhythmicalizer: Data Analysis for the Identification of Rhythmic Patterns in Readout Poetry".
in: INFORMATIK 2017. (Maximilian Eibl and Martin Gaedke, Eds.) Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, pages 2189-2200.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Casey Kennington, Julian Hough and David Schlangen (2017).
"Recognising Conversational Speech: What an Incremental ASR Should Do for a Dialogue System and How to Get There".
in: Dialogues with Social Robots: Enablements, Analyses, and Evaluation. (Kristiina Jokinen and Graham Wilcock, Ed.). Singapore, Springer Singapore, pages 421-432.
DOI, pdf (preprint), bibtex - Timo Baumann (2017).
"Large-scale Speaker Ranking from Crowdsourced Pairwise Listener Ratings".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech. Stockholm, Sweden.
DOI, pdf, poster, data, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2017).
"Highly Responsive Vocal Interaction through Incremental Processing".
in: Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR) (Roger K. Moore, Serge Thill and Ricard Marxer, Eds.), page 166. Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
URN, DOI, bibtex
- Arne Köhn and Timo Baumann (2016).
"Predictive Incremental Parsing Helps Language Modeling".
in: Proceedings of COLING. Osaka, Japan, pages 268-277.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Marcel Rohde and Timo Baumann (2016).
"Navigating the Spoken Wikipedia".
in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Spoken Language Processing for Assistive Technologies. San Francisco, USA.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Kolja Kirsch, Frank Steinicke and Timo Baumann (2016).
"Entwicklung und Evaluierung einer Notenwender-App für Klaviernoten".
in: Mensch und Computer 2016. Aachen, Germany.
DOI, pdf, bibtex - Arne Köhn, Florian Stegen and Timo Baumann (2016).
"Mining the Spoken Wikipedia for Speech Data and Beyond".
in: Proceedings of LREC. Portoroz, Slovenia.
URN, pdf, poster, webpage, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Casey Kennington, Julian Hough and David Schlangen (2016).
"Recognising Conversational Speech: What an Incremental ASR Should Do for a Dialogue System and How to Get There".
in: Proceedings of IWSDS. Saariselkä, Finland.
URN, pdf, slides, bibtex - Timo Baumann and Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek (2016).
"Large-scale Analysis of Spoken Free-verse Poetry".
in: Proceedings of Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH). Osaka, Japan.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex
- Nigel Ward, Timo Baumann, Shreyas Karkhedkar and David Novick (2015).
"Dynamic control of voice codec data rate".
, USA.
URL, bibtex - Timo Baumann and Felix Lindner (2015).
"Incremental Speech Production for Polite and Natural Personal-Space Intrusion".
in: Social Robotics, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, ICSR 2015. Paris, France. Springer, pages 72-82.
DOI, pdf, video, bibtex - Timo Baumann and Felix Lindner (2015).
"Towards a Social Robot that Incrementally Justifies Personal-Space Intrusion".
in: Proceedings of the Workshop Towards a Framework for Joint Action. Paris, France.
pdf, poster, bibtex - Maël Pouget, Thomas Hueber, Gérard Bailly and Timo Baumann (2015).
"HMM training strategy for incremental speech synthesis".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech. Dresden, Germany.
DOI, URL, HAL-ID, pdf, bibtex - Kerstin Fischer, Leon Bodenhagen, Norbert Krüger, Andersen, Morten Østergaard and Timo Baumann (2015).
"Trinvise og delte strategier for kontrol af velfærdsrobotter".
Medicoteknik. .
URL, bibtex
- Timo Baumann, Srinivas Bangalore and Julia Hirschberg (2014).
"Towards Simultaneous Interpreting: The Timing of Incremental Machine Translation and Speech Synthesis".
in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2014). South Lake Tahoe, USA.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Kousidis, Spyros, Kennington, Casey, Baumann, Timo, Buschmeier, Hendrik, Kopp, Stefan and Schlangen, David (2014).
"A Multimodal In-Car Dialogue System That Tracks The Driver’s Attention".
in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI). Istanbul, Turkey.
URN, DOI, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2014).
"Partial Representations Improve the Prosody of Incremental Speech Synthesis".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech. Singapore, pages 2932-2936.
URN, pdf, poster, example data, bibtex - Casey Kennington, Spyros Kousidis, Timo Baumann, Hendrik Buschmeier, Stefan Kopp and David Schlangen (2014).
"Better Driving and Recall When In-car Information Presentation Uses Situationally-Aware Incremental Speech Output Generation".
in: Proceedings of Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI 2014). Seattle, USA.
URN, DOI, pdf, bibtex - Johannes Twiefel, Timo Baumann, Stefan Heinrich and Stefan Wermter (2014).
"Improving Domain-independent Cloud-based Speech Recognition with Domain-dependent Phonetic Post-processing".
in: Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Québec City, Canada.
URN, URL, pdf (preprint), code, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2014).
"Decision Tree Usage for Incremental Parametric Speech Synthesis".
in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Audio, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014). Florence, Italy. IEEE, pages 3847-3851.
DOI, pdf, slides, bibtex - Spyros Kousidis, Casey Kennington, Timo Baumann, Hendrik Buschmeier, Stefan Kopp and David Schlangen (2014).
"Situationally Aware In-Car Information Presentation Using Incremental Speech Generation: Safer, and More Effective".
in: Dialogue in Motion Workshop. Gothenburg, Sweden.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2014).
"Coordinating Speech Delivery to Gesture Progress for Deictic Expressions with Incremental Speech Synthesis".
in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Timing in Human Robot Interaction. Bielefeld, Germany.
URN, pdf, slides, bibtex
- Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2013).
"Interactional Adequacy as a Factor in the Perception of Synthesized Speech".
in: Proceedings of Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW8). Barcelona, Spain.
URN, pdf, slides, bibtex - Baumann, Timo and Schlangen, David (2013).
"Open-ended, Extensible System Utterances Are Preferred, Even If They Require Filled Pauses".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2013. Metz, France.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex - Herwin van Welbergen, Timo Baumann, David Schlangen and Stefan Kopp (2013).
"Incremental, Adaptive and Interruptive Speech Production for Fluent Conversation with ECAs".
in: System Demonstration at Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2013). Edinburgh, UK, pages 468-469.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2013).
"Incremental Spoken Dialogue Processing: Architecture and Lower-level Components".
PhD thesis, Universität Bielefeld, Germany.
URN, pdf, Deutsche Kurzfassung, position paper in defense of the thesis, disputation slides, bibtex - Maike Paetzel, Philipp Schlesinger, Mircea Pricop, Radu Comaneci, Timo Baumann and Wolfgang Menzel (2013).
"Inkrementelle und zustandsbasierte Verarbeitung in einem hybriden Sprachdialogsystem".
in: Postersession der Sektion Computerlinguistik. Potsdam, Germany.
abstract, poster, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Maike Paetzel, Philipp Schlesinger and Wolfgang Menzel (2013).
"Using Affordances to Shape the Interaction in a Hybrid Spoken Dialogue System".
in: Proceedings of Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV 2013). Bielefeld, Germany. TUDpress, pages 12-19.
URN, pdf, slides, video, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Dorothee Geiser, Wolfgang Menzel, Mario Mohr and Svenja Neef, Sören Nykamp and Nils Rokita (2013).
"Concurrent Sub-turn Interaction Specification and Dialogue Management with an Application to Interactive Storytelling".
in: GSCL Workshop Gesprochene Sprache und Sprachverarbeitung (GSS). Darmstadt, Germany. Presentation and extended abstract.
abstract, bibtex
- Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2012).
"Evaluating Prosodic Processing for Incremental Speech Synthesis".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech 2012. Portland, USA.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex - Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2012).
"The INPROTK 2012 Release: A Toolkit for Incremental Spoken Dialogue Processing".
in: Sprachkommunikation 2012: Beiträge zur 10. ITG-Fachtagung. Braunschweig, Germany. VDE, pages 1-4.
pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Heather Friedberg, Jana Götze, Srini Janarthanam, Pierre Lison, Alejandra Lorenzo and Raveesh Meena (Eds.) (2012).
"Proceedings of the 8th Annual Young Researchers Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS 2012)".
Seoul, Korea.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Hendrik Buschmeier, Timo Baumann, Benjamin Dorsch, Stefan Kopp and David Schlangen (2012).
"Combining Incremental Language Generation and Incremental Speech Synthesis for Adaptive Information Presentation".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2012. Seoul, Korea, pages 295-303.
URN, pdf, slides, video of the presentation, bibtex - Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2012).
"Inpro_iSS: A Component for Just-In-Time Incremental Speech Synthesis".
in: Procs of ACL 2012 System Demos. Jeju, Korea.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex - Kris Lohmann, Ole Eichhorn and Timo Baumann (2012).
"Generating Situated Assisting Utterances to Facilitate Tactile-Map Understanding: A Prototype System".
in: Proceedings of SLPAT 2012. Montréal, Canada, pages 56-65.
URL, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2012).
"The InproTK 2012 Release".
in: Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT Workshop on Future direction sand needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data. Montréal, Canada, pages 29-32.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2012).
"Incremental Dialogue Processing: Architecture and Lower-level Components".
in: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science 2012. Dagstuhl, Germany, page 176. Status Report.
pdf, bibtex - Andreas Peldszus, Okko Buß, Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2012).
"Joint Satisfaction of Syntactic and Pragmatic Constraints Improves Incremental Spoken Language Understanding".
in: Proceedings of EACL 2012. Avignon, France.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Nigel G. Ward, Alejandro Vega and Timo Baumann (2012).
"Prosodic and Temporal Features for Language Modeling for Dialog".
Speech Communication, 54(2):161-174. .
DOI, pdf (preprint), bibtex - Timo Baumann (2012).
"Feedback in Adaptive Interactive Storytelling".
in: Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Feedback Behaviors in Dialog. Stevenson, USA. Position paper.
pdf, poster, bibtex
- Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2011).
"Predicting the Micro-Timing of User Input for an Incremental Spoken Dialogue System that Completes a User's Ongoing Turn".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2011. Portland, USA.
URN, pdf, slides, examples, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Okko Buß and David Schlangen (2011).
"Evaluation and Optimisation of Incremental Processors".
Dialogue & Discourse, 2(1):113-141. . Special Issue on Incremental Processing in Dialogue.
DOI, pdf, bibtex
- David Schlangen, Timo Baumann, Hendrik Buschmeier, Okko Buß, Stefan Kopp, Gabriel Skantze and Ramin Yaghoubzadeh (2010).
"Middleware for Incremental Processing in Conversational Agents".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2010. Tokyo, Japan.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex - Silvan Heintze, Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2010).
"Comparing Local and Sequential Models for Statistical Incremental Natural Language Understanding".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2010. Tokyo, Japan.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Okko Buß, Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2010).
"Collaborating on Utterances with a Spoken Dialogue System Using an ISU-based Approach to Incremental Dialogue Management".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2010. Tokyo, Japan.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Okko Buß and David Schlangen (2010).
"InproTK in Action: Open-Source Software for Building German-Speaking Incremental Spoken Dialogue Systems".
in: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV 2010). Berlin, Germany. TUDpress.
URN, pdf, slides, bibtex
- Schlangen, David, Baumann, Timo and Atterer, Michaela (2009).
"Incremental Reference Resolution: The Task, Metrics for Evaluation, and a Bayesian Filtering Model that is Sensitive to Disfluencies".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2009. London, UK.
URN, pdf, bibtex - von der Malsburg, Titus, Baumann, Timo and Schlangen, David (2009).
"TELIDA: A Package for Manipulation and Visualisation of Timed Linguistic Data".
in: Proceedings of SigDial 2009. London, UK.
URN, pdf, poster, bibtex - Baumann, Timo, Buß, Okko, Atterer, Michaela and Schlangen, David (2009).
"Evaluating the Potential Utility of ASR N-Best Lists for Incremental Spoken Dialogue Systems".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech 2009. Brighton, UK.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Atterer, Michaela, Baumann, Timo and Schlangen, David (2009).
"No Sooner Said Than Done: Testing the Incrementality of Semantic Interpretations of Spontaneous Speech".
in: Proceedings of Interspeech 2009. Brighton, UK.
URN, poster, bibtex - Timo Baumann, Michaela Atterer and David Schlangen (2009).
"Assessing and Improving the Performance of Speech Recognition for Incremental Systems".
in: Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2009. Boulder, USA, pages 380-388.
URN, pdf, slides, video, bibtex - Baumann, Timo (2009).
"Integrating Prosodic Modelling with Incremental Speech Recognition".
in: Proceedings of DiaHolmia (Semdial 2009). Stockholm, Sweden.
pdf, poster, bibtex
- Michaela Atterer, Timo Baumann and David Schlangen (2008).
"Towards Incremental End-of-Utterance Detection in Dialogue Systems".
in: Proceedings of Coling. Manchester, UK, pages 11-14.
URN, pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2008).
"Incremental Prosody Modelling for Interaction Management in Spoken Dialogue Systems".
Position paper for the Summer School on Corpus Phonology, Augsburg, Germany.
pdf, bibtex - Timo Baumann (2008).
"Simulating Spoken Dialogue With a Focus on Realistic Turn-Taking".
in: Proceedings of the 13th ESSLLI Student Session. Hamburg, Germany.
URN, pdf, audio, bibtex
- Timo Baumann (2007).
"Automatische Erkennung von Akzentuierungen und Phrasierungen in Sprachsynthesekorpora".
Master's thesis, Universität Hamburg, Germany.
URN, pdf, bibtex
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